by Minilop
MPAGD SHMUPKIT is a Multi-Platform Arcade Game Designer project for creating vertical shoot-em ups.
It contains MPAGD scripts for:
- Player (Left, Right, Thrust & Fire)
- Extensible Enemies - you can define enemy movement patterns using a series of directions (16 compass points) & repetitions - create simple or complex movement patterns as you like (demo game includes 12 movement patterns for you to explore)
- Extensible Enemy Spawners - allowing you to define the types of aliens spawned in each attack wave, including # aliens, alien type, alien sprite, alien colour, time between each spawn, spawn point, points for a kill, weapon, weapon firing height, weapon firing probability, weapon firing proximity to player
- Player weapons
- Enemy weapons
- Explosions
- Score & High Score
- Redefinable keys
It also contains Sprites for:
- Player
- 16 frame Alien (aligned with direction of movement)
- Enemy missile
- Player missile
- Animated Explosion
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