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New Indiana Jones game by Luca Bordoni RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK  for the ZX Spectrum 48K is finally available in all its glorious vintage charm! Relive the abstract  ATARI 2600  adventure by  Howard Scott Warshaw  from far 1982 . As in the original, the  solution sheet  is included. Even if it's almost an abandoned practice in modern times, a reading is strongly recommended. Download, here Source:

Pocket Cars -STEAM-

Pocket Cars es un juego de carreras de combate de arcade rápido, donde puedes conducir coches teledirigidos que aceleran por increíbles pistas. Explora  Pocket Cars , ¡el emocionante juego de  carrera-combate arcade ! ¡Compite con  coches RC  a través de pistas dinámicas, enfrentándote a obstáculos reales con precisión! Con vehículos realistas que cuentan con impresionantes capacidades todoterreno y un impulso de alta velocidad, ¡prepárate para una experiencia de carrera emocionante como ninguna otra! Fuente: STEAM

MSXdev24 #15 Titan Ufo

Title: Titan Ufo Genre: arcade Author(s): Gamecast Medium: Disk 720KB Hardware requirements: MSX, 32KB, FDD Hey kids, you know what time it is? it’s Gamecast time! This MSXdev regular enrolls with another MSX1 title. An old-school-style arcade shooter played out in the space region of Titan, a moon of Saturn. It is an exciting cosmic battle, in which the player is to strategically position their spaceships in order to blast the attackers into oblivion, reminiscent of arcade classics such as  Super Cross Force . On the Titan moon base, your mission is to defend the frontier from Saturn’s alien assaults. You have the opportunity to pilot two spaceships: one horizontally and the other vertically. Confront your UFO adversaries and obliterate them with your lasers to amass points and perhaps surpass the record on the scoreboard at the top of the screen. Italian developer Andrea Gasparrini is a coding dynamo, an authentic 8-bit warrior who has earned the title of grand-slam game develope...

«Tony: Montezuma’s Gold» ya disponible gratis para Atari 8-bits

En un regalo anticipado de Navidad para la comunidad Atari 8-bits, Vladimir "Popmilo" Janković y Rafał Dudek han anunciado que la versión completa de «Tony: Montezuma’s Gold» está ahora disponible para descarga gratuita. Descarga desde la página de ATARITECA Fuente:

ZX81 byte forever demo

 by AdrianPilko Just a demo trailer to @byteforever7829 youtube channel. Runs on unexpanded 1K ZX81 Download, here Source:

The Carnival Of Company -Steam-

A dark action-adventure with rogue-like RPG elements, 'The Carnival of Company' lets you defeat demons, consume their essence for power, and customize combat with the 'Path of Carnival.' Uncover secrets, exact revenge, and shape your destiny. Source: STEAM

AlleyCat -MSX2-

 by Rutabaga Games Ltda This game (AlleyCat) is a port to the DOS Game for the MSX2, with improved graphics and the same jogability of the original: Alley Cat . It will be released as a cartridge, get information here Buy, here Source: alleycat

The Layover Hit: Assassin's Run DEMO -Game Boy Color-

by Gunsavior   T The Layover Hit: Assassins Run   is based on the upcoming action film from Gunsavior Pictures. Story: Wildcard hitwoman  GEMMA  and her handler  SAM  take on an assignment to kill 8 targets back-to-back. Travel all across the country while fighting bodyguards, killer drones and guard dogs to execute your targets and get paid! Download, here Source:

MORNING PANIC -Commodore Amiga-

 by Amiga Cammy "Morning Panic" is a small and simple text adventure. Your mission is to find your key and wallet before leaving the house for work. Check every room of your house. Collect the key and wallet. Make it to work on time! This game was coded using Amiga-E, with the object-orientation modules generously provided by SamuraiCrow. This is the first text adventure game I've ever coded and it's still very much a work-in-progress. Download, here Source: ic

ZxRUL -ZX Spectrum-

 by MikeVK El esperado regreso a su terreno, por MikeVK, se ha hecho esperar en demasía. Y es que a este autor le encanta el Basic puro, como así lo atesora su anterior y exitoso ZX Fútbol .  Su retorno se ha constatado con ZxRul, un conversión ( demake ) de Buckshot Roullette de Mike Klubnika, y desarrollado como marca la casa, íntegramente en Basic puro. Este título transmite toda la tensión y el espíritu del original, a la máquina del Tito Clive. Ah! Recuerda... ¡No te olvides de disparar! Descarga, aquí Fuente: