Tenemos cartel oficial de Retrópolis Valencia 2025, junto con la fecha del evento, el próximo sábado 12 y estará lleno de sorpresas que harán las delicias de todo amante del RETRO. Más información, aquí Fuente: https://x.com/retropolisvlc
by Sander Alsema --- A is for Aardvark --- Written by Sander Alsema for the 10-liner competition 2025. Language: Commodore 64 Basic v2 Category: PUR-80 Download, here Source: https://bunsen.itch.io/a-is-for-aardvark-c64-by-sander-alsema
by rickyderocher Old school text adventure game. Rescue the kidnapped princess! (This game supports the Mockingboard for music!) --------------------------------------------------------- Original Version — Ricky Derocher Apple II Version — Bill Martens Music, Programming Support - Tom Porter --------------------------------------------------------- Sound Tracks Track 1 - Boot Time — Medieval Castle by "Hipster Typist Track 2 - Game Play - Scarborough Fair by Hawkgirl99 Track 3 - Win / Final - Twilight Princess by Furiosnightfury Download, here Source: https://rickyderocher.itch.io/castle-quest-apple-ii
by DjPoke Footble Smellble is a video game for ZX Spectrum 128k, made with MPAGDgen2. It is a parody of games like "Bubble Bobble". It has 20 levels. Download, here Source: https://djpoke.itch.io/footble-smellble
by Tonsomo Entertainment This is a two-player game based on the French card game Mille Bournes. Each player takes turns playing or discarding cards, they must get their car running and then make a journey to 750 miles, with a choice to get to 1000 miles for extra points. Various hazards are available and the repairs for each one as well as safeties that will protect you from each hazard. Download, here Source: https://tonsomo.itch.io/mille-sinclair-spectrum-edition
Soccer Pro Simulator es una simulación realista de fútbol diseñada para hacerte sentir como una superestrella, haciendo rugir a la multitud después de anotar. ¡Desde poderosos disparos en el mediocampo hasta espectaculares chilenas, conviértete en una verdadera leyenda! Un juego de fútbol indie, que puede acabar siendo una sorpresa, muy arcade y divertida, para los amantes del deporte rey. Acceso anticipado, aquí Fuente: STEAM
Made by Binary Design Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'89 Release by Monsters Productions, Slider, tiboh'25 Game type: English General sound: Absent Size in sectors: 474 Details: v3 - 128k Only + #3D13 Loader with SMUC Support + AY Music from Commodore 64 in Intro + Instructions + Fuller Joystick Replaced with Sinclair 2 (12345) + Pentagon Fix Source: VTR-DOS
by AnimatedAL AnimatedAL: " A simple BASIC game which is featured on my YouTube channel as a TYPE-IN that I shared. If you don't want to type it in, here it is! Collect the red strawberries, if you hit a green mouldy strawberry you have to start again. Once all the red strawberries are collected the cream will appear, get to the cream to complete the game ". Download, here Source: https://animatedal.itch.io/mouldy-strawberry
BASIC 10 Liner platformer for the Commodore 64, Atari 400/800, Sinclair ZX Spectrum by Marco's Retrobits Lader is an entry to the 14th edition of the BASIC 10 Liner Contest. Download, here Source: https://retrobits.itch.io/lader
A puzzle plaftormer by natthrafn Home made puzzle platformer from 1990. Coded on the original C64. Download, here Source: https://natthrafn.itch.io/brektwon-the-curse-of-the-keys
by The Mojon Twins Port de un de los mejores juegos de The Mojon Twins, Impossamal , para el Amstrad CPC. Y es que los seguidores del ordenador de Sugar, se merecían esta conversión para poder disfrutar de un juego tan fresco y divertido. Para tal fin, han utilizado el MK1 como motor de desarrollo. ¿Os apetece controlar una bola y pasar por zonas imposibles? ¿Dispones de suficiente habilidad y reflejos? Descarga, aquí Fuente: https://mojontwins.itch.io/impossamal-amstrad-cpc