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MSXdev24 #26 A Great New World

Title: A Great New World
Genre: Strategic puzzle
Author(s): Phaze101
Medium: ROM 48KB
Hardware requirements: MSX1, 16KB

MSXdev24 #26 A Great New World

This is a game for people that dream of running a perfect society where everyone is happy, sort of…

One needs to be brave to make a game inspired by “A Brave New World”, one of the top 3 dystopian stories ever written, and the author of this game boldly goes there, to bring us this great entry. The game is not by the events of the book, but by the society it pictures. In this great world everyone has a role and they are conditioned from birth to be good at it, and even more importantly, happy in there.

In the game A Great New World you are in charge of keeping this “perfect” society running. For that you need to make sure the right amount of citizens of each type are bred and “prepared” (a.k.a. conditioned) to perform their role in society across a series of minigames that are much deeper than they look on the surface.

Each turn, natural disasters will reduce your population, so you need to create new embryos, sort them along the roles (be mindful that you need to have people of all types, or the society will be unbalanced and collapse), and then, of course, you need to condition them to be their very best and their role, and to be perfectly happy in their place in society.

