Title: Racing
Genre: Race
Author(s): bosh77
Medium: ROM 128KB
Hardware requirements: MSX2
From Italy comes a very straightforward racing game, that does not beat around the bush, in both title as well as approach.
What’s in a name? That which we call a car race, by any other name would feel as exciting. If you don’t want to accidentally pour salt in your tea, plain terms like “salt” and “sugar” will suffice to be labeled on the jars. Racing by bosh77 does just that – it tells us what it’s about, devoid of any overcomplicated luster.
However, do not be fooled by its apparent simplicity – the car that you will select does actually have gameplay implications. Apart from their discerning flashy colors, their stats are all different. Can you best all of the challenging four tracks with the car of your choice? Let’s find out.
Source: MSXDev24
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