Made by Topo Soft'88
Release by goodboy, Slider, tiboh'24Game type: English
General sound: Absent
Size in sectors: 496
+ Alternative Loading Screen (in 128k mode)
+ AY-Music and AY-Sound Effects from Amstrad CPC in Game
+ Bug Fix
+ Instructions
+ Intro with AY-Music from Commodore 64 and GFX from PC-DOS
+ Kempston Joystick 8 Bit
+ Keys Remapped: QAOP+Space, Enter/M - Bombs, H - Pause, E - Exit
+ Pentagon Fix
+ AY-Music and AY-Sound Effects from Amstrad CPC in Game
+ Bug Fix
+ Instructions
+ Intro with AY-Music from Commodore 64 and GFX from PC-DOS
+ Kempston Joystick 8 Bit
+ Keys Remapped: QAOP+Space, Enter/M - Bombs, H - Pause, E - Exit
+ Pentagon Fix
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