Title: Sorcerer Kid Adventure
Genre: platform adventure
Author(s): VidaExtraRetro
Medium: ROM 32KB
Hardware requirements: MSX, 16KB
This edition’s 18th entry is Sorcerer Kid Adventure by VidaExtraRetro. It is a high fantasy-themed platform adventure that demands for skilled and dedicated players, and is suitable for even the most basic MSX configurations.
A lot of those reading this are bound to have a penchant for good old-fashioned platformers that pull no punches when it comes to difficulty. This entry is guaranteed to steal the hearts of those die-hards away in an instant. However, some designs of the game mechanics betray a slightly more modern view upon the traditional and tried concept.
How? Well, apart from some key collecting, the game is structured in a way, almost so that it could nowadays be compared to “MetroidVania” games, as obtaining new skills will grant you passage to locations which were unreachable before.
We invite you to take on the role of Argos the young sorcerer, as he’s up against the tyrannical Master Ghraul. In order to defeat him and his hordes of creatures from the underworld, you are to collect three fragments of an illustrious Sacred Book. This adventure will bring you to several locations and set you up against a quite elaborate roster of enemies with intricate movement patterns and unique capabilities.
Source: MSXdev
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