- Title: Wash Man
- Genre: Arcade
- Author(s): GameCast Entertainment
- Medium: ROM/DSK 64KB/720KB
- Hardware requirements: MSX1, 32KB RAM
Get the detergent out and take care of the dirty laundry. With such a job description you can’t really screw up, can you? Well, in this building with those tenants, you can. Collect dirty clothes while avoiding creeps that run free. Another entry from GameCast from Italy.
The game Wash Man is an MSX1 based video game with a classic arcade feel that needs skills to complete. With wit and a good feel for timing you might succeed in collecting all the dirty laundry from the tenants. You see, the building’s shared washing machine broke down and they hired you to do the washing for them. They’re still pissed about their broken machine, though.
The protagonist of Wash Man is a Chinese gentleman who knows his way around filthy undies. Wander around in the buildings and enter rooms to collect laundry. For a complete explanation of the game, study the included manual. There’s more to this game that you might think.
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