By Hakogame
- Title: Open Wide!
- Genre: Puzzle
- Author: Hakogame
- ROM size: 128KB
- Registered: 20210830

Hakogame’s “Open Wide! “is not for the faint of heart, as we’re seriously pulling dents. Now here’s a game to sink your teeth into.
Why should you be kind to your dentist? Well, because he has fillings, too. Ba-dum, teeth.
Bad jokes aside, here’s a game that takes nerves to play, but is a lot more fun than having a root canal treatment.
People who enjoy having to go to the dentist are sparse. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule, like Bill Murray in this great scene. However, for most of us, it’s not an enjoyable appointment. So, how about if the tables were turned for once? Now you can be the one that’s pulling teeth for a change!
Being a dentist, you have to find and remove bad teeth from the patient’s mouth. For that task, you have several tools available. Your best friends will be your plier, a mirror, and a pick, to help you track down the rotten baddy. Try to remove all of your patient’s bad teeth before you run out of turns. And if you do nicely, perhaps the tooth fairy might come ’round for a happy end.
Source: MSXDev.
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