Simple version and intro music
By Frederick352: "A cursed skull simple version (now with characters 1 and 2) was released. Simple version mean more simple, not more easy in this case.
In original version characters were stuck in cursed dungeon and left there forever even if they will find a cursed skull.
In version version a lot of curses were removed:
- Hero's steps now have sound since his ears are not cursed.
- Deadly traps now colored in red, message near door now is "Door."
- Enemies now explodes and not dissapears in air.
- If hero dies you will get game over messages. If you take that skull you will get ending message. Your was not late to remove a curse so he won't stuck in dungeon forever.
- No more rooms where impossible to shoot and invisible walls. Invisible enemies still remains.
Probably this version more platformer than a curse simulation unlike previous game versions.
Also i added intro music to this game."
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