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MSXdev21 Results

 Resultados disponibles de la MSXdev21

 MSXdev21 Results 

The MSXdev21 edition, running from January 2021 until September 2021, has resulted in 34 registered games. A record in MSXdev history! And now, the jury has come to a conclusion, so here are the results of MSXdev21.

First place, winner of MSXdev21, with a total score of 88 points is

“Alien Attack” by Marcos Daniel Blanco & Daniel Simon

Clasificación final

Ranking list

From the jury panel, here’s the complete ranking list of the 34 published MSXdev21 games:

1 “Alien Attack” by Marcos Daniel Blanco, Daniel Simon (88/100)
2 “S.o.l.o.” by Roolandoo (81/100)
3 “PAC-01” by ARC8 (80/100)

4 “Raven” by Micha Mulder (79/100)
5 “Fantastic Football” by Zoran Majcenić, Daniel Simon (76/100)
6 “Blockbuster” by Robosoft (73,1/100)
7 “No Back Down” by SoCal (73/100)
8 “Make Them Jump” by Robosoft (70/100)
9 “Make Them Fall” by Robosoft (69/100)
10 “Do The Same” by Eric Mendel (Ricco59) (68/100)
11 “Tortilla Sunrise (Conexion Tortilla)” by Tortilla Yonkers (67/100)
12 “FlyGuy” by Robosoft (65/100)
13 “Open Wide!” by Hakogame (63/100)
14 “Where Is it? The Quest For the 10th Island” by Eric Mendel (Ricco59) (61/100)
15 “Step” by Uninteresting (57/100)
16 “Arya” by André Baptista (55/100)
17 “Pitman” by Under4Mhz (54,2/100)
18 “Mahjong Solitaire” by Under4Mhz (54,1/100)
19 “Klondike Solitaire” by Under4Mhz (54/100)
20 “XOR2021” by Timmy (52/100)
21 “Square Ball” by Ray2Day MSX Software (49/100)
22 “Heart Stealer 2” by Timmy (48,2/100)
23 “Pippo la scopa ficcanaso” by Gamecast Entertainment (48,1/100)
24 “Logic Remastered” by Plattysoft (48/100)
25 “PickinX” by Amaury Carvalho (44/100)
26 “Monster On The Run” by Paolo Borzini (Neurox66) (39/100)
27 “Reflexion” by Jipe (38/100)
28 “SD Sniper” by Kirem (37/100)
29 “Tool Blocks” by Ray2Day MSX (35/100)
30 “Market Master” by Amaury Carvalho (33/100)
31 “Arm Wrestler” by SKSOFT (25/100)
32 “Bookworm” by Z80 ASMer (24/100)
33 “Break Bomb” by Gamecast Entertainment (0/100) – disqualified
34 “Puzzybox” by Gamecast Entertainment (0/100) – disqualified

Jury Report

For the full report of the jurors, download the results document here.

The jury choose Alien Attack as the best overall game for this season, here’s the ranking per category:

  • Gameplay: Alien Attack, Where Is it? The Quest For the 10th Island – both 18 points
  • Graphics: PAC-01 – 18 points
  • Sound: Alien Attack – 18 points
  • Polishing: S.o.l.o – 17 points
  • Originality: Raven, PAC-01 – both 20 points

There where a few tie-breakers needed to get the ranking unique. Points for that are mentioned in the report.


During the MSXdev21 period, a total amount of € 1.207,71 has been donated. This donated prize money will be assigned as follows: (* prize money rounded down to € 1.200,00)

  • 1st place winner 40% – € 480,00
  • 2nd place winner 30% – € 360,00
  • 3rd place winner 20% – € 240,00
  • 4th place winner 10% – € 120,00
  • leftover for winners loot box – € 7,71

Besides donated prize money, there are also sponsored items to collect. Every winner gets to choose an item of choice, starting with first place winner, then the runner up and so on. There is a total amount of 28 sponsored items. Further more, every participant received a free copy of “Blast Annual 2020 vol2” magazine (digital). The organization will be in contact with participants about their rewards.

Fuente: MSXdev.
