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Prince of Persia - Atari XL/XE port

New demo  

9 levels demo Prince of Persia.

-The focus for this release was on the attract mode & cutscenes which are now fully reenabled!  

 (some assets may possibly not be final) 

 TIX, our favourite overstretched artist drew all the princess/vizier frames required for the cutscenes!

 Miker added a bunch more tunes for the attract mode!

-Added a bunch of cart versions for faster loading and a SD disk version for maximum compatibility with stock hardware.

-Fixed an old bug where the game would freeze if the prince landed on the edge of a floor tile.

-NTSC should be as stable as PAL now.

This port is based on the BBC Master port by Bitshifters (Props to them!)

-Based on the original Apple2 code by Jordan Mechner (Props to him!).


The background graphics also comes from the BBC port. 

Source: AtariAge.



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